Archive for the 'Cancer / Oncology'

A model for studying cancer and immune diseases

The protein STAT1 is involved in defending the body against pathogens and for inhibiting tumour development. If the levels of the protein are out of balance, disease may result. Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna have developed a mouse whose STAT1 levels can be modified at will, enabling the study of the involvement of STAT1 in various processes.

Insight into why cancer incidence increases with age

The accumulation of age-associated changes in a biochemical process that helps control genes may be responsible for some of the increased risk of cancer seen in older people, according to a National Institutes of Health study.Scientists have known for years that age is a leading risk factor for the development of many types of cancer, but why aging increases cancer risk remains unclear.

Diet and exercise: cancer benefits in huge study of women’s health

In a large study of women's health, postmenopausal women who followed a healthy lifestyle were at a third lower risk of death, including a 20% smaller chance of dying from cancer, than women who did not follow guidance on diet, weight, physical activity, and alcohol intake.

Oncology nurse navigators help cancer patients cope early in care

When Group Health patients received support from a nurse navigator, or advocate, soon after a cancer diagnosis, they had better experiences and fewer problems with their care - particularly in health information, care coordination, and psychological and social care - according to a randomized controlled trial in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Nanotechnology infiltrates and quashes aggressive cancers that survive traditional therapy

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have received two grants totaling nearly $1.7 million to build nanoparticles that seek and destroy metastases too small to be detected with current technologies.They are targeting aggressive cancers that persist through traditional chemotherapy and can form new tumors.